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A Spiritual Super Hero

Matt.28.19 - Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,

Now first and foremost who is a super hero? This is a unique person with divine or extra ordinary abilities having the mindset of Saving others from dangers and preventing them from been hurt. You must understand that every Christian that was birthed from Jesus is a divine Super Hero! Our opening scripture gives us a glance, it says "Therefore and make disciples of all Nations...." Hallelujah! Now of you read carefully there was an assignment inscribed in that above scripture! The job of making disciples of all Nations.

 Now there is a job, an assignment given to all believers, not just Sir Creativity or Pastor Chris or Apst Joshua Selman or other preachers in the world, no! Jesus made no mention of any name  but instead he was talking to all believers round the Word, those that has been save, telling them to go out there and bring those who are still in darkness into light. These people are our responsibility! Jesus saved us so we can also go and save them through his presence and atmosphere! That's why he called you his Ambassador! His representative here on Earth for the purpose of  preaching the gospel and turning those who are lost in Darkness into his marvelous light as he has delivered you.

Now this is where Many Christians today are missing it! They think it is the job of the Evangelist or the Pastor to evangelise to the lost souls, no!  That is a  wrong mentality. The Evangelical calling is not like other calling like the Prophetic and the Apostolic where  God had to appoint some particular persons to function in that ministry. Matthew 28:19 says " KJV:Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost" . Now if you should read carefully, Jesus was not only speaking to the disciples or the Apostles when he said that but to everyone on Earth, all those that have received Salvation.

Now Ask yourself, if that brother/sister  never showed up to lead you to Christ or talk to you about Jesus, what would be your fate when Jesus come? Now that you are save it is your Job to save others. The Titanic is sinking and they are millions of lives on board are you going to save at least 1 person just as you where saved? This is a responsibility God has entrust into our hands, to deliver his people out of Darkness just as he had brought us out too. The world is counting on you and I today, let's not let them down, let's not let Heaven down because for this course we have been made a Spiritual Super Hero.

Lord Jesus the ability to reach out to souls and deliver them from the pit of Darkness is been placed upon my Shoulder, through the Holy Spirit who gives me utterance. From today I decide to be a Spiritual Super Hero. Hallelujah.

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