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The Spiritual Realm Part 1

John.3.6 - That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit.

The spirit realm is a mysterious atmosphere, a spiritual geography location where spirit lives and dwell. It is a place that brings about the physical realm, it birth the physical, so what ever happened in the Spiritual is as a result of what has taken place in the Spiritual realm. The Concept of the Spiritual realm. Can I open your eyes to see this! Every man is a spirit! And thou they have these Physical body but they is a spiritual man ruling over the body. That's why man is see as a spirit being. Our opening scripture said he that is born of flesh is flesh, while he that is born of the spirit is spirit, understand this mystery very carefully, in Gen 1 the bible says the Spirit.. of God, note the Spirit not just God! Moved upon the waters. And after he has done making, he said let's make man in our own image(character) and his likeness (his ability, as a spirit) and he breathed ( gave life and authority) into man. And he said, let them resemble us. Gen.1.27 - God created human beings; he created them godlike, Reflecting God's nature. He created them male and female."

Now if you read carefully Adam had a close relationship with God that he can hear and feel God who was a spirit! Now understand this, it was not because Adam was the only made on earth that gave him the argumentum vericumdiam(Authority) to see God know! But because he was also a spirit. It takes a spirit to feel a spirit and it takes a spirit gun to kill a spiritual man. The Spiritual realm. The resurrection of Jesus Christ followed this above spiritual law! Get this, Jesus was a spiritual man and the reason he resurrected was be because they killed his body and not his spirit! His spirit was till very much spiritually healthy, but Samson who was the first Nazareth was not just killed Physically, but his spiritual ability was killed also that is why he never resurrected! Oh yes there was a prophecy about Jesus and none for Samson yes! But he mystery behind his resurrection is as a result of the living of his spirit.
Most accident happening never happened because those drivers wasn't sharp or smart enough, Even many of them has been driving that road for 15yrs but what happened that day? Spiritual issues. You must understand that the spiritual controls the physical, Because the physical is a manifestation of what has been done in the spirit realm. Paul as Silias in the prison prayed(a spiritual key) and worshiped God ( the spiritual man) and an earthquake came! But this is the amazing part, the quake didn't sink them but it unbond Them and realise them and set them free! Why? While other prisoners are lost in Faith of been realise this men where creating a key to open the prison gate, not the on the Jailer was Holding no but a Master key that can open all door! The Spiritual realm.

Get this as a Christian it is very unwise to start fighting in the street, because one guy or girl insulted you... No! Haven't you heard! We are spirit, Because as he is in Heaven so are we! So we don't fight carnally, he said in 2Cor.10.4 - For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;)
So don't fight with blows no! Instead go to your secret place, enter the realm of the spirit karekete... Rebreketaraka.. and start dealing with that guy, even with the muscles, the individual will be in soup! Oh yes dont shout even, keep the strength of shouting in the secret room and command change in his life, next time when he sees you even with the muscles and everything he will bow why? We are spirits.

Until you know this and have this mentality, some thing might not work out for you! Because until you approach these things spiritual, it will never work for you because you are a spirit a God, (Psalm 81:6). For those into business, the reason issues has been happening is because, someone has gone to the place in the realm of the spirit to take the progress of your business and until you face it Spiritually, it will still be there.

Learn to access the spiritual realm because you are a Spirit.

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