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The Real Deal

 "And now abide faith, hope, love, these three; but the greatest of these is love." 1Cor.13.13

What is the real deal? Apst Paul said something very interesting, he said in verse one of our opening chapter, "1Cor.13.1 - Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I have become sounding brass or a clanging cymbal." Hallelujah! Here he was speaking out boldly he said tongues is good but having not love! You are like a sounding brass, an empty vessel! And if you read verse two He went further to compare love and prophecy saying "1Cor.13.2 - And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing." Without love we are nothing! Love is the trigger to any gift of the Spirit or blessings from the spirit, until you love him, there are some things he will never give you, until you are trusted and tested in the trial of love, he can't trust you why? Love is not there. You will agree with me that I can give you the key to my house not just because I trust you, but because I love you, so until I love you, you will not receive from me. Get this, through love are we made sons and daughters of God because he is love.

Now ask yourself if God will not bless you, if you are still poor will you still serve him? Will You still love him as you did before without asking lord where are you hiding? Are you serving with the mindset of an amount of money waiting for you or because of popularity? What is your real drive towards the Gospel! Until you come to see through all the bad things and still say lord I will serve you, then you haven't started Loving God. Get this among other fruits of the Spirit the most powerful is love! The reason it the most powerful is because it is impossible to do the orders without having first love. Love is the ticket to God kingdom, without it you cant and will not see him! His word said in 1 Corinthians 13:1 "without love am like a sounding cymbal" it is love that's keeps you going even when all things are wrong and not positive! Imagine no food in the house to eat and things aren't going as planned, but yet you take it upon yourself as a burden to preach the gospel no matter what! To go to service no matter the circumstances, to preach in church no matter the trial, to sing in the choir even with an empty stomach and your heart will still say lord am grateful! That's love!!! Until you have Gotten to the stage whereby anything no longer hold you back, situations, persecution, and others, a state where he is all that's matters and this is your mouth tune " Satan no matter what I will never turn back" no wonder Apst Paul said ".....neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come,
[39] Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God..." Hallelujah! 

Now if you check from the Statement of Apst Paul he was affirmative of God's love. He is really to do anything, that's was his mindset! Just like some ladies can go to the expect of working a double shift to make sure their children eats, so also was he really to go to any length to make sure God's will is done why? Because he love him. Now to open up your eyes to a spiritual mystery of the kingdom, many young ministers are found with this mentality of "Lord I need more power, I want to walk in the miraclous" yes it good but trust me thats a prayer of ignorance, you don't pray to walk miracles! Check history of great men of God that did sincere  and mighty miracles, they didn't pray for it nah! There is no prayer point like that of "lord let me walk in the miraculous" no! His word say to us " Mark.16.17 - And these signs will follow those who believe: In My name they will cast out demons; they will speak with new tongues..." Hallelujah! Mark said them that 'Believe' not they that pray, get this the miraculous is as a result of your close relationship with God not the amount of your prayers, but the amount of your love for him, so he sees this and demonstrate his power! Anything you call on him. Jesus never prayed to do miracles no! That's the lifestyle of those that love God. I know many of you will say Pastor but you do spend hours praying in closed doors yes! I do but I wasn't praying for power or miracles trust me! I was busy Loving God. 

Understand this, you can never walk the Supernatural, I repeat walk the Supernatural without Loving God, the bible says in 1John.4.8 "He who does not love does not know God, for God is love." So if you don't love him you don't know him and if you don't know him you can never walk in him. So let love rule above all. Don't seek for popularity seek for his love! So he can abide in you and if he lives in you, you are popular already because God is popular! He will make you just as popular as the ware house in Nigeria that all the palliative where been stored inside that men from all part of the state will locate you even when you are hidden they will find you. This is the Mystery many Believers dont understand! Stop praying lord let me be like Apst Joshua Selman No! You can't be like him, he is who he is and nothing else; instead love him. It is a responsiblity to love! It is a command! Because that's what our new nature demands from us.


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