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Kingdom Advancement

The ministry of the Gospel is more than salvation and going to heaven, there are more To what the kingdom holds than what we know. The bible says all that Jesus did on earth in the three years of his ministry was too big for the Earth hold and contain, what about the things he did that was not recorded? There are more To what our bible teaches, there are more to what our Pastors preach! Just because you are not seeing them doesn't mean they are not there. Just as his mercies are new every morning so is his glory and revelation. That's why when you read John 3:16, you will get a new revelation different from the one you got before.

Kingdom Advancement. You must understand that there two road to Kingdom Advancement. There is one as the salvation of our soul and this is the only part the church is opened to. They tell you to go for Evangelism so we can win soul to the kingdom of God, great it is wonderful and it is kingdom advancement respectfully speaking but that not all about kingdom advancement, remember it is two part road and there is the other part. Just like your shoes, putting on the one foot looks is nice but your idea of putting on shoe is not complete until you have both feet on; so likewise Kingdom Advancement. The other part of Kingdom Advancement is what we will be discussing tonight.

1Samuel 15:1-2 "Samuel said to Saul, "I am the one the LORD sent to anoint you king over his people Israel; so listen now to the message from the LORD. This is what the LORD Almighty says: `I will punish the Amalekites for what they did to Israel when they waylaid them as they came up from Egypt.". The Second Part of Kingdom Advancement is Influence. You must understand that it is one thing to be saved and it is another thing to be safe. In the above Scripture the Children of Israel were saved (salvation), they were God's people and thou they were saved but they where not safe. And verse two said "..... I will punish the Amalekites for what they did to Israel...". So they had priest and Levi's that teach them the word and the ways of the lord but their territory was not safe so although they have been saved as God's Children they never were safe. So God had to introduce through the priest Samuel the other part of Kingdom Advancement, telling them that it is not just to be saved so he installed them a King called Saul. Verse Four and Five of the above verse shows us something interesting " So Saul summoned the men and mustered them at Telaim--two hundred thousand foot soldiers and ten thousand men from Judah. Saul went to the city of Amalek and set an ambush in the ravine. 1 Samuel 15:4-5. Do you know that those men that Saul summoned were all in Israel even during the times the Amalekites were terrorising Israel and they never spoke not until a king was installed. 

You must understand that the Christian of the Africans and the Whole world will continue to shake until the church learn to embrace this other part of Kingdom Advancement, it is not just about saving the souls as good as that is but here is the question are those souls safe? Proverb 29:2 "When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn.". There was a big wave of disease that hit the world and we all know that there were thousands of Testimonies coming from all part of the world of how God healed them of Corona virus and now they are completely whole.. but instead of the church to be opened where people can meet with the lord for healings and come to him, the Church was shut while banks where opened and pos worked fined. The house of assembly was fully opened but the Cathedral and the church were all locked. Just imagine it was one of the believers from the church that was in charge in power, either as the president or house of representatives, trust me the Church wouldnt have been locked! 

Can I beg you tonight? Don't let anyone deceive you by saying Christians can not be politicians or President or Governmental offices. This has been what the devil have been using to fight the Church; the reason the gate and wall of Jerusalem was rebuilt was because a man called Nehemiah was close to the government. Even Daniel was a Politician don't forget that! So ma let's not be blind as our fathers was! It is time to walk on real Kingdom Advancement. If Esther was never a Queen, what would have been the faith of the Jews then?
So those of you wanting to be in government or be a CEO please don't settle for less... Gain influence and watch the kingdom of God move forward just with one of your signature. Do you know many souls will be won of Wizard and Davido give their life to Christ? Why? This are influencial people and they have the ability to change the people they Influence. 

Kingdom Advancement is not just all about Evangelism (installing Christ in the heart of Men) But also it involves influence (installing Christ in all territory). Some of you, your assignment is to be a Minister not in Church but in finance so as to enhance the building of the Church, not everyone is called to be on the Altar, some of you are also called to be on government seat and if you end up not getting there you failed Destiny no matter the souls you won or if you function as a pastor. Let's us all engage in Kingdom Advancement (Evangelism + Influence.)


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