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How to stop Sin part 1

What is the meaning of the word 'SIN'?
Sin can simply be define as a simple instructions not followed, in other words it means disobeying direct orders/instructions from God.
Now disobeying God which is sin, what are it effects? Or is it normal? Does it has side effects? Yes! It has effects upon effects. Now before we talk about this effects let's ask ourselves, why do we disobey God's order? Was it intentional? No! It isn't if you are a lover of Jesus (Christian), it is the work of the hater of all good (The Devil). 
Sin is a million of spiritually kilometers distance between God and man, no wonder the Bible says in the book of Romans that " all our sins cut short of the glory of thy Lord" hallelujah.... With that above scripture from the book of Romans we can see that Sin is not just a limitation to man, it is a game over to God's glory in a Christian life.

Now why do we sin? Hallelujah I know many people will say it the devil, yes! But it not all the devil, you are also part of the reason why you sin, and am gonna give you reference from the scripture. Now Judas Iscariot was a disciple of Jesus not until he betrayed (Sin) Jesus. Now let's look at the situation around that circumstances. First Judas Iscariot was not the only disciple of Jesus but why him? Now among all the disciple, Judas Iscariot was having a less insight of God's word, now I can prove that; Jesus told his disciple during the last supper that one of them was going to betray him and there he told Peter that he was going to deny him three times after the cock crow. Now concerning Judas Iscariot betrayal, many preachers are saying it was a prophecy for Judas to betray Jesus, but that's not true. Jesus never gave a prophecy that Judas will betray him No! He said "one among you" now he was talking to all of them. Now you will ask yourself why didn't Peter or John betray Jesus, to me Peter and the other disciple has high insight of God's word then Judas and I guess the other disciple might go in prayer after Jesus statement about someone going to betray him, why because they knew what the scripture says on anyone who betrays the Son of God. Hallelujah, now Judas due to his low insight on God's word ignore the statement of Jesus and the devil took opportunity of his ignorance. Now that was how Judas found himself in the midst of the Jews.
Now from this story what point am I trying to bring out? We can't easily fall to sin if we have high insight ( knowledge) on God's word, no wonder the scripture says in Hosea 4:6 "KJV:My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy..." Truth be told! The devil is not afraid of a man that has anointing, or that's speaks in other tongue but he is afraid of  the man that's has God's word in him yes! Because he knows he is always be put in his place when the word of God is spoken. Now concerning we avoid sin how do we do that? I know this is the part many of us are waiting for, but it is very simple: first and foremost you need to be filled the God's word (so that when ever the devil comes to make you sin, the word of God in you will speak out). For example you do get angry easily and hardly forget, the word of God will ease up that anger from you and how? If you have study the word of God concerning anger, then you will have it in your mind that the scripture says that we should not let the sun go down on our anger. So this will be a pointer for you and when you say to yourself " I can't anger God's word forbid it " then you see the devil taking the exit door or is it forgiveness you are having difficult to do, then you might have read the scripture on forgiveness that said that expect a person offend you 70x 7 times(how is that's possible, take note it one person, not everyone) so you see if you know this, and you have this mentality, devil won't even bother to bring unforgivingness into your mind, because he knew you heart has be positioned to forgive other.... Unlike Judas Iscariot, how which he knew that Matthew 26:24 says "KJV:The Son of man goeth as it is written of him: but woe unto that man by whom the Son of man is betrayed! it had been good for that man if he had not been born", he would have not dare to betray Jesus.
Now it up to you, to resist the devil with the word of God or keep letting him take advantage of you to accomplish is satanic plans and idea.... Now say this to yourself "I refuse to be used by the devil, I am scripture full and ready to shame the devil" hallelujah!! Amen to your prayers.

So beloved God's has given is the greatest instrument of salvation which is his word. So don't keep it domant, use it. God bless you and thanks for reading friends. Stay blessed.


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