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No More Veil

Matt.27.51 "Then, behold, the veil of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom; and the earth quaked, and the rocks were split"

What is a veil? Now according to English Dictionary? Something hung up, or spread out, to intercept the view, and hide an object; a cover; a curtain;  a screen, usually of gauze, crape, or similar diaphanous material, to hide or protect the face. You must understand that the lord is no longer hidden from us, the veil has been torn away. Our opening scripture gives us a clear hit on our topic; after the death of Jesus according to Matthew 27.51 the veil in the covering the Altar (God's presence) from the people was torn. In the days of OT the presence of God was hidden from the people because they were considered unholy and unworthy to to entertain God's presence, only the priest and Prophet had access to the spirit of God.

But why was there a veil covering the presence of God from the people? The mystery of the Veil started from the garden of Eden when Adam (meaning Man) was through out of the garden. After him and his wife Eve, has eaten of the Forbidden fruit (tree of knowledge), the bible said their eyes where opened and they saw that they where naked and afterwards they where cast out of the garden and the lord placed a Spinning sword protecting the tree of life (Jesus, Life) and two angels beside it and Adam and his wife Eve has no access to the tree of life, because it will make them not die but live forever. Jesus was the tree of Life, and they they where denied access because they disobey their Father. The sword and the angels was the first revealing of the veil that was set to separate man from The Father. 

Until they had access to Jesus first who was signify as the tree of life in Genesis 3, they can't have any business with God. Listen! Jesus was teaching us these in John 14:16 " No one can come to the Father except through me.” Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life." The way truth and the life...not just any life remember he was the tree of life in the book of Genesis. If Man never ate the fruit in Genesis 3, then there was no need for Jesus coming to die! The moment Adam ate the Fruit, he lost his birth right, his life Andrew it h God knew this so he made a way, a system called the death of Jesus to bring back that life that was once lost.

The reason the veil was broken was to establish the assignment of Jesus which is not just to die for our sins, No!! But something bigger; recreating that relationship with God the father man lost in Genesis chapter 3, so we can now have access to that tree of life which in our time is now the Altar of the lord, the tabernacle where God's presence dwells and stays. The tearing down of the veil represent the Father calling us back into a relationship with him like the one he now has with Adam. Now listen, God never called Adam his servant or subject or creation but rather he calls him son. Adam was the second son of God after Jesus. Listen the dimension of God called Elohim or Adonai will not be known or will not be need if Adam never ate the fruit, the only dimensions we would have ever knew was Father not any other name because we will all be in the Garden.

The day he ate of the fruit he lost his sonship and he Became a servant no longer a son. Even the prophet Elijah was not a son of God, he was a servant of God. That was his relationship with God and everyone that worked with the father until the death of Jesus, but the bringing down of the Veil brings us back to that relationship that we are no longer servant but sons of God (1John 4:4). 

So get this today that the veil has be torn for your sake and God is no longer far from you.. You can now see him face to face, he is more closer to you than ever. Hallelujah.

Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for bringing me back to your love once again, father I acknowledge the fact that you are close to me and you are not going to leave me anymore. Thank you Jesus Amen.

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