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Speak the Right words

"Let no corrupt word proceed out of your mouth, but what is good for necessary edification, that it may impart grace to the hearers." Ephesians 4:29.

The Power of the Kingdom may be tied to the word of God but it destruction comes from the sound of the mouth! And in the beginning God SAID "Let there be light" Genesis 1:3. The level you are in life is as a result of the words you have been saying to yourself since you where born. Listen the mouth/tongue is the most powerful organ in the Human body, it has the ability to save and the ability to kill. What have you been saying to yourself?.

Listen, the Apst. Paul knew this then he spoke to the church telling them not to allow evil words come out from their mouth but rather words that will serve as life giving spirit to the listeners. And the book of Proverbs tells us that the tongue lies within it the power of life and death, the power to make alive and the power to cause death. When Jesus came down to the Earth he knew that this mystery and all his words was impacting to the ear of the hearer. Listen the devil also know this Mystery too so he will make sure that he uses situations and issues to change your speech and way of talking, don't forget when you talk you confess/declare also what you want to Happen, so don't let the devil make you self destruct yourself by the power of the words from your mouth.

No matter what the devil brings to your way continue to speak the right words! Understand this Fact tonight, your words are Prophecy and they tend to work according to the nature of their assignments, so if you are saying negative words to yourself trust it is going to come to you despite your situation. Our words is like a stone tossed up and here it is coming down back at us. Jesus was teaching us this when he was on the cross to die for all Humanity, though he was humiliated and insulted but still he was never negative! Even when he was in pain and was given vinegar to drink. He knew that if should release a negative word the whole of Humanity is doom so he kept on speaking the right words. 

Do you know that your words go beyond the physical to the Spiritual to fight. Now there is this mentality that when you have God's word you are powerful! True but the real power of the lord is not in the logos or letters called the words but rather they are in the spoken word. God first thought that lighting the earth in Genesis 1:2 will be good but his thoughts or him knowing what to say never Brought light not until he SAID it! So God's word is not effective if it is not spoken! They are like bullet that is useless without a Gun to fire it. Joshua was the one teaching us this concept in Joshua 1:8 " This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night....". Now here is a mystery; Ephesians 6:17 "And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God:"
Do you know why God's word is called the Sword? Now if you separate the S from the Word you will get S and Word! Now the S in the word Sword signify "SPOKEN" all together you get Spoken Word (Sword).

 Until the word is spoken it doesn't become a sword (that is been active) yet! Until it is been declared! And the lord spoke loudly in Matthew 7:7 "Ask (means speak) and it shall be given upon you( and will be granted of you). So until you speak it! It still remains words, letters; that's why putting your bible under your pillow to stop demonic oppression is useless because the power remain in the spoken word.

So no matter what happens keep speaking the right word (God's word). Your speech is your Faith in disguise. 


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