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Impossible Without the Holy spirit

"And I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Helper (Comforter, Advocate, Intercessor—Counselor, Strengthener, Standby), to be with you forever"
John 14:16 Amp. 

You must understand that the Holy spirit has a major role to play in our Christianity and without him our believe and faith is doom because he came with an assignment to help us and without him is like without Jesus. 

Now Jesus make us to understand through his servant Apostle Paul that's we are new creatures, dead to the world but alive in him (Col. 3:3) and that we born of Christ. If so then why do we need the Holy spirit? 
Get this tonight as long as you are still on earth, the things of the earth will forever draw you back to it! That's why even after the Holy spirit came Jesus still warn us through his Servant Apostle John in 1John.2.15 - "Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world" now you must understand that the things of the world are very deceptive! So he warn us to stay clear from the things of the world but that scripture never gave us how? Now ask yourself how? Now Jesus was speaking to his disciples and everyone that was there; he told them in John.14.16 - "And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever;" yes we now know that but here is the reason the Holy spirit came down; John.14.26 - "But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you." Hallelujah.

And the Holy spirit will teach us "all things" not some of them all things! Including how to know the father, how to walk above all temptations, even how to make money, entrepreneurship and even trust me that mathematics problem is not left behind. The holy Spirit has ideas that no man can ever think of! That's why he is the all knowing spirit which gives him the ability to know all things. So until you acknowledge his presence around your life and him trying to help you out, life will forever be hard for you because even Jesus knew this fact that you can do it on your own, although he was the son of God, filled with God's word and wisdom still he never started his Mystery until the Holy spirit came. Until the Apostles waited on him (Holyspirit) at the Upper room in Act chapter 2, they did nothing, they continue to wait on him until he came unto them like a speedy might wind. So be like the Apostles, they never checked time! They waited until he came! Also wait on him! That's business, that school result would have been awesome but you refuse to wait on him and trust him to assist and help you, remember John 14:26 say he has come to teach us all things, so helping you out is his Job. So let him lead you and direct your every step so that you won't fail and trust me if there is one Mystery about the Holy spirit you must know is that until you call him in, until you accept you can't do it without his leading he will keep following you but not working or teaching you anything. Remember Rev. 3 says "lo and behold I knock at the door of your heart.." until you permit him to come into that situation, that problem that challenge, he will still be at the door. 

Now understand this mystery!! Your friend might has gone far and you are still there ! There are already learning a trade and you are still at home been a church goer!! And they have done Freedom now bosses and you are still there!! Don't cry don't Shout you are still waiting, it might look like wasting but you are on a process. The true character of Waiting is it look like wasting time! Then you know you are waiting.
Now they are now working having their own business and you have nothing doing don't cry or feel bad you are still waiting... When the time is now right and he tell you move!! It is ordinary tomatoes you will buy in the market and that rich man want to Sponsor you!! Haaa! What happened? He said like the way you are holding the tomatoes and that's all!!!! Just ordinary tomatoes!!

When he is with you forget those that have gone ahead of you because any door takes you there!! He that's waited on the Lord is always on time not he who ran first. So let your heart continue to be in him because we can't do anything right without him. He helps us in everything we do. Romans 8:26
"In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. For we do not know how we ought to pray, but the Spirit Himself intercedes for us with groans too deep for words." Hallelujah!


Dear Holy spirit, I affirm your presence and dwellings in my life. I believe you where sent to be my guide and my help. I ask that you come Governor everything about me, lead and direct my step, that I through you be made perfect and pleasing to the Father. Hallelujah. 


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