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And king David fell on in knee, torn his garment and ask the lord for Mercy.

The greatest and the strongest character of God is love, even before the day of creation he has longed loved man and even before he created man. John 3:16 gives us a wide glance on this possibility when it says "for God so LOVED the World...." Now if you check the text 'LOVED' it signify a past possiblity, telling you that man was made out of God's love. Listen if there is anything God can not resist is Brokenness!! . Until a man is broken the heart of the lord is still far from him because nothing magnetic his heart than brokenness. This was the hidden secret of David, he was a man of brokenness; not ashamed of who he became and is ready to fall back not just in pride but in total surrender and humility before the Father.

Our opening Scripture gives us a clear view, and not once but again David fell on his knees torn his garment and said search me love no matter what you find am not ashamed but kill it before it kills me. No wonder David was a man after God's heart because he was always Broken! The day you allow pride to cloud your eyes and fill your heart that day your crown will fall from your head. The reason Saul was rejected was not because he sin against God but rather he lacks brokenness!! Many times has David offended and wrong God but still yet God called him a man after my heart. Until you learn to be a child when you come before God's presence there are some certain things you will never see. It takes a Child to the carried up high to see what is going on! But the day you stop been a child in his presence that day he trust you can be able to carry up yourself to see things that are high before you. Brokenness.

There should be a time where you refuse to take over and control of yourself!! Come to think of it, your leadership of your life where has it landed you to? Most times you just need to come to him in brokenness and tell him to take over! Listen carefully until you are Broken you can never access the secret place! Kaii that is a place where men die by brokenness and Become changed! Listen no man stay in the environment of smoke and not have a red eyes. Brokenness becomes a passport to the secret place! Until you are Broken! You will never find comfort in the secret place with the father. Brokenness opens your heart up to hunger for the lord! Lord search me am not ashamed!!!

You where do ministering as a Minister and on your way to sit down he just whisper to you that while you where on stage pride was growing in you!! Immediately you fall on your knees and say lord search my heart anything that is not of you lord take it away. As a Minister!! God never told you that he wants to heal and you just said it and because of God's love and Because he wants to honour his name in that meeting! So he comes down but that never meant that he really wanted to heal! You just started Laying hands because you want to show yourself. And after you are done, he tells you and quickly you fall down on your knees and ask for mercy. 

Most times we are inside the public transport and the lord just remembered you what you did that was not right two hours ago! It takes Brokenness to fall down on your face or bow your head and ask for mercy no matter who is inside the bus! Most times he is checking your level of brokenness. Understand this until your brokenness is tested and trusted there are some gifting the lord can never give you. Note this; not asking for mercy when you know you have offended God is pride and surely pride goeth before a fall..( Proverb 16:18). Brokenness becomes a state where you are free with the father and you can tell him anything!! "Kaii lord did you know I lied just know! I don't know what what happened oo, please lord help me to stop lying because am tired of always hurting you and coming back again and again to say am Sorry" Broken Men are living Men.


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