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What does the Devil really Want Part 2

Now in our last meeting we talk on what the devil really want! Which is our soul! But there is more deeper Mystery I want to show you tonight, 

Now it was not only Man that's has it purpose changed in the new testament. Now in the book of OT the purpose of man was to go into the world and multiply, but in the new testament it was changed to go into the world not to multiply this time but to preach the gospel! To save every man in the name of Jesus, for this purpose Jesus told them in Matthew 28:19-29 "Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen." This became the new purpose of Man. The first purpose came through the first Adam while the new purpose came through the Second Adam. 

So likewise the devil! His first purpose was to become like God and that failed as the book of revelation told us he was casted down. Now in this new testament of the gospel he has picked a new agenda! This time not to be like God but to lead men away from God, for this reason he lead men to sin against God even after they have been saved and Brought by Christ Jesus, that's why James 4:7 says "Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you." Resist him and he will flee. Trust me all the devil want is you and nothing else! He tried God but he wasn't even Enough!!! It was only Michael that single handedly shut the gate of heaven against him and cast him down, that's is how powerless he is, but still yet he has lead thousand astray.

Now many of you making this error, get this God has no Comparison! Stop comparing the Devil and God. The opposite of Satan is never God!! But Michael! It was Michael that's fought him and defeat him not even Jesus or God!! again this was proved when the devil came to claim the body of Moses but it wasn't Jesus that showed up by Angel Michael, and in Revelation, the bible said "And Michael will be released again to fight the dragon". So the devil has no equal with God.

Note, the devil is not after your money! Thou he takes them away, he is not after your wealth thou he decided not to let them be released, he has an agenda; a secret motive. If not having money will make you go to hell trust the devil he will try his best to make you the poorest person on earth, but that's not the criteria he is chasing after, but instead a more important Spiritual treasure (your soul) and he is ready to pay anything In the world to purchase it. That's why you hear people say they have sold their soul to the devil, it is not a lie but this is the mystery behind their prosperity. Many sold theirs for billon dollars and cars, things of the world that will fade away. What does the devil Really want?

Most times he take away your loved ones, yes but they are not the target you are! Just like Job, his children all died but that was never the target of the devil, but rather his target was Job relationship with God that's why his wife ask him to curse God and die! 


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