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What Happened to your Fire

"And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold." Matt 24:12

It is never God's will for you to be burning today and cold tomorrow, no there is a mystery you must understand about God, he Nevers reduces in giving grace to a man, no he doesn't! His word says " -But he giveth more grace. Wherefore he saith, God resisteth the proud, but giveth grace unto the humble." James.4.6. So God never decrease rather he increase in a daily base the grace he has given to a man. But what happened to your Fire 🔥? Our opening scripture gives us a glance it said "And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold." Now if you read the above verse God uses the word shall (meaning must abide) then their love(Fire) for him shall wax cold like a candle wax. Sir you know that your fire and passion for God was never like this when you newly started this journey with God! What happened along the way? Ma you can testify your spiritual life was never like this before now, then before the pastor lay hands on you, you are already manifesting because your spirit was in agreement with the movement of the lord but now, pastor will lay his hands and even shout on you 'recieve' but still yet the spirit is far from you and you are not bordered! What happened to your Fire?

The word of God didn't leave us clueless on this issue on what can drastically drain our fire for him. Our scripture gave us a place to gaze and watch out for! It said "iniquity" which is also interpret as sin or rather errors a Christian make! Our opening scripture tell us that this factor is a major cause of this lost of fire. If you read the book of numbers there was a major prophet called Balam who was powerful when it come to the prophetic; this man reasons and talks with God either in the day or night! His prophetic radar was very clear that there is nothing he doesn't see but what happened! His name was never heard after Numbers 23 and 24 after he had blessed the children of Israel instead of Curse them why? Because he lost his placewith God, he went off the trail by agreeing to curse the children of Israel. Again was a great King who God called a man after my heart, the person of King David but because iniquity abide, he lost a very cordial relationship with God that he could no longer hear from God even When God shout! He didn't hear a sound why, iniquity has drain the fire in him and he is now cold and God never move in or stay in a cold environment so God left David until he had to send his prophet Nathan to tell David of what he has done! David been a lover of God quickly ask for mercy before the spirit of God could use him again. But ask yourself where have i lost it? 

Tonight there is a dimensions of Satan i will expose to you that will marvel you. I once told you Satan may be cunny, him be the devil he might be evil yes, but trust me, he isn't foolish! He has seen the raising and the Falling of the great so when it comes to  killing the greatest of man that's is his field of study. As a Christian brother or a Minister, or Pastor get this, he will never tempt you with that call girl out the junction! Yes na don't you know!  Even as a sister burning he won't use that boy with Dreadlocks and rugged Jean to tempt you! Why? Because he knows it you will surely know that yes this is the devil coming... Because he knows you have read that light and darkness can not agree and also he knows that your pastor has told you as a guy that those calls girls are 80% possess of marine and for the ladies that those guys have family issue so he won't come through there because he knows you will suspect him. The devil is not a fool he is wise, he has what we call age advantage, that why the bible call him the old serpent! So he won't come from that angle.Because the devil never comes as a threat but as a friend. So he hid himself with the garment of a best friend so you won't discover he is the one manipulating and draining the fire in your life. Be careful! 

The reason lust has so affect the church is because the devil has spent time in polluting the mind of Believers, so it become every easy for him to plant lust in them in order to kill their Spiritual growth! No this, lust is a seed planted in the life of Man just as that great destiny is also a plant! But lust is like a weed among the vegetables (your destiny) and no plant can grow well in the presence or the environmental atmosphere of weeds. Do does it apply to a man's life. What Happened to your Fire? I urge you dear Believer, observe carefully and check you life, association, business and everything about you and see if there is anything that is Draining you down, the if there is any fridge cooling you off, and quickly put an end to it! No wonder Apst Paul said "Examine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith; prove your own selves. Know ye not your own selves, how that Jesus Christ is in you, except ye be reprobates" 2Cor 13:5. This serve as a watch dog to your Spiritual life. Watch and check! Am I still loving Jesus as before? Am I still passionate for souls as before? What is wrong? Observe and sort it out in Prayer. Hallelujah.


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