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"AMP:For whatever is born of God is 'victorious' over the world; and this is the victory that conquers the world, even our faith." 1 John 5:4

Now checking from the word underline in our opening scripture (.. victorious..) it is trying to tell us our status as Christian and son/daughter of God. Now he said who soever is born of God is Victorious.. now I want you to give a recap on that statement (....born of God 'is' victorious) now he didn't say they will be victorious or they are going to be victorious. No! But he said 'is' Victorious. You must understand that the word 'is' is an assurance of your victory in Chris, there is no come back later about it.

Some Christians do make some funny mistake... Whenever things go wrong or there problems is getting strong... You will hear a Christian saying "Well it God's will for suffer for a time.. I know that for 

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