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Respect your Spiritual leaders

AMP:Obey your spiritual leaders and submit to them [continually recognizing their authority over you], for they are constantly keeping watch over your souls and guarding your spiritual welfare, as men who will have to render an account [of their trust]. [Do your part to] let them do this with gladness and not with sighing and groaning, for that would not be profitable to you [either]. Hebrew 13:17 

Many at times it always come to my notice that many Christian/Ministers lack Respect for their Spiritual leaders. Now has been the new order in the Church where Spiritual leaders are only been respected by their lips and not there heart.

Now according to our opening scripture, it says "Obey your leaders and Submit to them....." Hallelujah!! No matter his/her size or age, submit to them and do you know why? It further says that ".......for they are constantly keeping watch over your souls and guarding your spiritual welfare, as men who will have to render an account [of their trust].." they intercede for you... They fast for you, they pray for you, they have sleepless nights for you..... So they deserve your respect 💯%. No wonder 1Thes 5:12 says "AMP:Now also we beseech you, brethren, get to know those who labor among you [recognize them for what they are, acknowledge and appreciate and respect them all]—your leaders who are over you in the Lord and those who warn and kindly reprove and exhort you" 

I was telling someone the other day, "when you start looking at the age, size of your Spiritual leader, 'Oh boy!' that day his grace, Intercession, prayers, fasting and others Spiritual benefit you are receiving Spiritual... Automatically stops... even when he is not aware ....... It is a law of the spirit. That moment you become over familiar with your Spiritual leader, that day his grace stops working for you! So learn to respect your leaders. No wonder the woman with the issues of blood was healed even when other sick people who was around Jesus wasn't and why? They were getting too familiar with Jesus and didn't notice the presence of the power of Healing around Jesus that time... But this woman (the woman with the blood issues) knew this and that was why she held his garments. Many preacher will say it here faith.... Yes! It is but she was aware of the presence of the Healing Anointing of Jesus so she touched him with faith. Gloryyyyy!

Always learn to bring yourself down to the lowest when you are around your Spiritual leader; like a friend of mine will say "you need a father to go further"... Hahaha! That who your Spiritual leader is to you in the realm of the Spirit a Father!. Now get this, the amount of respect you give to your Spiritual leader determines the amount of this Grace you receive.... Like many say "I want your grace sir" but this is the Spiritual secret.... " The grace you respect and honor will surely follow and speak for you" you don't impart grace on someone.... Nah! You respect Grace.
Now take note: looking down at the outward appearance of your Spiritual leader is same as disregard or disrespecting him/her. Imagine someone addressing his/her Spiritual leader like .." that our small pastor" "is it that short pastor?" Someone onces say " Small man of God"... Just imagine... How people ridicule their Spiritual leaders...
Get this, the grace you don't respect will disgrace you...... Because your Spiritual leader is same age as you or because you are older.... So you think you are both same, or that you are even more better than he is, well I use to say something " The slave that's loves sitting in his master's private chair should also love getting punished by that same Chair".

To many Christians "More grace sir" is now a regular slang they say when ever they see there Spiritual leaders, while there lips are doing the own respecting stuff... There heart is saying " we are on same level". Ma/Sir let's learn to respect our spiritual leaders because the grace you insult....awaits disgrace in front. There Angels are not Men.... So let's be Careful!

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