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Your Prayer is your spiritual Lawyer

"KJV:And he spake a parable unto them to this end, that men ought always to pray, and not to faint;" Luke 18:1

It takes a prayerful man to break some certain spiritual yokes imposed by Satan. Now checking from our opening Scripture, Jesus was teaching them and he said " are ought to pray and not to faint" if you study that scripture very closely the word "ought" was used meaning it is very important for you as a Christian to pray always.

Now some deep Mysteries many don't understand about prayers is when you pray it is far beyond you only asking or only involving in a prayer warfare at that time.. it goes beyond that! Now understand this when you pray sometimes they are been stored up in your spiritual prayer bank that's why sometimes when you are driving on the road and a car is heading directly towards you due to brake failure and immediately you don't Know what Happened the just went the other way round.. now get this you might have prayed against the spirit of death earlier on but the accident or attack didn't come that time you prayed but some days after, now understand this...the prayers you prayed then spoke for you.

There are some certain things in your life that has been broken due to regular praying habit. Now when ever the enemies want to attack you something keeps holding them back, it like a fire around you burning massively as a result of your steady connection in prayers with the King of Kings so they stand no chance against you why? Because your prayer is standing on the way, Because your Prayer is your spiritual lawyer.

You must understand this they are some certain things that won't leave you unless you Pray! Some certain demon that won't go away until you lock yourself up in the room of prayers. No wonder he said in Matthew 17:21 "KJV:Howbeit this kind goeth not out but by prayer and fasting." That power will not be break loose until you pray! I ask a young Man a question, "if Jesus who has no home issues, no Family curse, no demon can fight to trouble still goes on his knees to pray then who are we not to pray?" You must understand this as Christians we aren't praying Because the Bible or our Pastors ask us to pray no that's kindergarten, we pray because it a lifestyle for us, it something we can't do without just like the belly can't do without food so is our life helpless without prayers. Take note of this Praying men are living men, the day you stop praying that day you start dying spiritual because there is no one to stand for you in the realm of the spirit.

When your spiritual lawyer(Prayers) is absent you will have to stand alone in the Spiritual court of your enemies because you got no back up. As a Christian learn to pray in the spirit every day because there is no too much prayer like I said earlier your prayer points are store up so it is better you pray regularly in the spirit to have a full capacity of active prayer points as your back up. That why Ephesians 6:18 said "NIV:And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests...." Hallelujah.

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