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Gods word our backup

"KJV: This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success." Joshua 8:1

As a Christian your greatest asset is God, it guides and leads you, it like a direction to your the way of Life. Now checking from our theme Scripture it said "This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein..." You should understand this the word of God should always be in your mouth and it should never leave! It should not depart from your mouth because it is not just a mere statement neither is it an ordinary words, No! It powerful! Mighty! And Deadly.

One time I went for Evangelism with one of our Pastors in Church and we decided to visit a particular woman in her shop to share with her God's love. So I was holding a Smart phone and my Pastor took his Bible and He was discussing, telling her about the love of Christ and he ask me to read a particular Scripture for him .. so I was about reading from the phone when she interrupted and said " how can an Evangelist be using a smart phone instead of Bible to read scriptures...?" Then I told open her understand reading from the theme scripture which says Gods word should not depart
 from your mouth and not your hand... And getting this not holding a Bible to preach is not a Sin(it isn't written) but it not proper as a Christian Because we work to show good example.  

Why is it so important for the word of God to never leave your lips? Because it is your backup plan! When all your hope has failed you... Don't be hopeless.. remember you got God's word speak it out!! Pour it out!! Is things not working out, no money to buy food and you are sad and burst into tear? Don't do that! Remember you have a back up plan(God's word) which says "KJV:But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory  Christ Jesus." Philliphians 4:19 Hallelujah!! Instead of cry you don't cash on you keep declaring those words(Philliphians 4:19) to yourself..don't let your situation have a win over you, you have a plan, a backup plan that works. So keep saying it keep declaring and watch it into Manifestation, because God's word never fail! His word always come to pass Because he don't joke with it! Or do you come from a poor background and you are now the new gossip in your work place or your school, hear this now! Stop crying and look and start affirming God's word that say "KJV:But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light;" 1 Peter 2:9 Glory now! Thats your true identity a royal start declaring it to yourself! That's the real you... 'O boy' that's who God has called you so others don't matter! 

Now apart from the above examples I just gave.. know God word is the backup of your life, anything you want to do back it up with God's word. Don't keep quiet! Speak his words!! Act on them!!! Other things can fail you not God's word because he honours his word more than his name. His word should be your daily hack to life. Something things might be hard due to the Economy but get this God's word is not under any economy so it still works even at hard and easy times, it works in all season either winter or summer and in every weather it works! Too. It is your backup plan to everything just name and I tell you God's words has the answers, until you find it you won't see it. And if your issues is spiritual and you have tried all possible solutions but yet it still unchanged, apply God's word and watch out for the difference. Even when you are depressed, you are not left out! You can engage with the book of Psalms or rather read hymns and refresh your spirit. 

God's words has the all in all, it contains all solution to every issues of life, so just imagine you have it?


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