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He loves you even in Sin.

"KJV:For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." John 3:16

Now this has been the wrong mentality of many Christians... They think when they sin, God automatically stop loving them and he leaves them and let the devil do whatever he wants to them but no he don't leave you. Now get the Mathematics of the whole issues. When a Man sins get this clear; God doesn't leave him or hate him no!! You are the one that leaves him. If you read your Bible careful now Jesus was saying in Rev 3:20 "NIV:Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me" Glory! Now I want us to read that scripture Carefully he said " Here I am!" Get this he never went anywhere... You where the one that shifted base, He is still in that place you left him waiting for you to come back to him because he can't afford to lose you.

Many Christians has been trapped in this mentality of the devil that when you sin.. you become trash and dirt to him... No! Thou what you did hurt him and broke his heart, he didn't leave you and will never leave you because he loves you! No matter the sin and heart break you give him and even when the devil is tell him you are never going to come back to him, he doesn't give up on you no! He keeps waiting for you to realise you have left him and so you come back to him; that why many a times when he sees you are too far or blind to see him waiting, he uses his Prophet or preacher to remind you or inform you that " Sir/Ma you have left him.

Now ask yourself have you ever wondered why Heaven celebrate and sing all day long when a soul is brought back to Christ? Get this; that's to show how much he loves you and to also show that you are of a great value to him, just like you lose your school fees and all of a sudden a friend found it for you. You can tell that your expression and feelings for that day will be happiness why? What you valued was found, that how it is to God. Now here is the second question, If God was anger and have hate for you when you left him why will he through up a feast in Heaven when you return? That's is to tell you he never hates nor love you but the devil is trying to get into your head and remind you of that sin you commit so you can change from it.

This is one of the major the device the devil is using to hold Christians mostly Ministers of God. The process whereby you messed up pretty bad or that weak point of yours to hold of you and you feel like maybe teaching that day or praying the devil will just come and tell you.." look at who is praying? Fake Christian" and all of a sudden you change your topic and teach something else or you change your prayer points and start asking for Mercy from the God that isn't even Mad or angry at you! God can never be mad or angry with you, Jesus has died to take the anger and hate away. Get this; "there is too much love in the heart of God to hate! No wonder he saids in 1 John 4:8-10 "KJV:He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love.
9:KJV:In this was manifested the love of God toward us, because that God sent his only begotten Son into the world, that we might live through him.
10:KJV:Herein is love, not that we loved God, but that he loved us, and sent his Son to be the propitiation for our sins.". Hallelujah... In God is love. He heart is too full of love to hate you.

Get this: don't let the devil or anyone call you a sinner because of that sin you just can't stop doing why because that's not what a God said you are!!! Even in your sin, he called you his own purchase, his chosen generation. I want you to listen carefully, God can't chose a sinner, so if he has chosen you so you aren't one! But God's masterpiece, God's D.S.S (Divine Supply System) not a Sinner, our sins has been long paid for already... We are free men living a new life in Christ.


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