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Power of the mind

Hallelujah! Many people today is having different problem,pain and something that hurt inside of them but here is the question what lead to their pain and sorrow even when the scriptures says"They shall take up serpent;and if they drink deadly thing,it shall not hurt them ....."Mark 16:18 KJV. It there mindset that is the mind.
   The mind is one of the powerful instrument of a man to be destroyed and also to be saved.Many of us may be in a difficult situation or problems and think there is no exit or no going out No! There is but first you have to think positive even when Lazarus died and Jesus was called,he went with a positive mindset which displayed when he said Lazarus was sleeping and not dead.He still went forth with that positive mindset and command him to rise and Lazarus did.
    How does your mindset save you: It very simple,you just need to be positive and stay strong 

don't let your situation determine your actions or reactions,see above your situation and problems and know that you can't be afflicted by the devil and all his agent because the scriptures says "I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High" Psalm 82:6 KJV so God will not allow you to suffer but still many are saying where is God when am passing through pain?where is God when I failed my exams but it doesn't work that way because God is just and fair and all he want is for you to take a step then you will see him in action,remember the story of the Israelite and the Red Sea God told Moses to take a step by stretching the rod and after that God took his own step by bringing forth dry land.There would have not been any miracle there if Moses was not having a positive mindset that it will happen.
- [x] Now how does it destroys:it destroys faster than lightening itself.How it destroys is very simple when the devil who is the chief architect of all evils see that your mindset is negative then he start using it against you for instance you believe that when you see a black butterfly mean it a bad omen and something bad has happened then you have just given the devil a big space to operate.
- [ ] Know this that the devil can't operate in your life and that of your family without you having a negative mindset.A negative mind is like a nuclear bomb that can blow of billions of lives 
Even apostle Paul said"Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; 1Timothy 4:1 KJV this will happen because of our negative mindset. Who told you you can't be victorious in this situation?who told you you can't live pass this pain and sorrow? Yes! you can because you were made for greatness and he that is in you is far greater than any force or pain.
   Now chill up and start addressing that situation and pain tell it you are far greater and you were not born with it but you were born with power and might of our lord Jesus. HALLELUJAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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