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Words have Power

The misused of the power of words has affected many people on Earth today. Many have found themselves living in bondage while other are living under the power of man's resources. But here is a question, are there powers in our words as individuals? Yeah they are and they are unlimited.

Now a good instant is an individual who smokes, now even when he knows that it is not good for his health, you still hear something of them say " Bru this stuff is good...I like it and I ain't gonna stop this shit"  now two things are holding his particular person back from stop this habit of smoking, one of them is the spirit behind smoking and another is the words he always say whenever he smokes.... So when he is saying it constantly, there is no possible way he could get off that habit by himself unless God interfere in it and without God he will be held bondage of his own confession (this words). 
Hallelujah so the word we say out of our mouth determines if we will live longer or die sooner. So it a choice for to choose our path in life through the words that proceeds out of our mouth, no wonder the Bible says in Proverb 18:21 ESV "Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and
those who love it will eat its fruits." That's the fact and there is no doubt about it.

For some of us the only words that's comes out of our mouth are offense words, words that kills the spirit of a Man, but it is not supposed...we are the lights of The World and what does like light do? It brings brightness as Christians let's learn to talk brightness into people's darkness and make them light as the Father has made us... We are the salt of the Earth now what does salt do? It add flavour and taste to our food, so instead of giving out offense word that breaks people let flavour them with sweet words cause that's what salt do.

Hallelujah so let's quit the act of saying negative words to other people but instead let's be super positive in speaking because our words have power  that why the Bible says in Ephesians 4:29 ESV "Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but
only such as is good for building up, as fits the
occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear." Glory!!!!!! Yeah! It is a great testimony for those positive words you speak to affect someone because you have ease them off their problems unknown to you. 

Now what are the mystery behind the powers of words from every human? It all started when God created the Heavens and the Earth, the Bible recorded that God did make anything but things where made under the commandment of his Voice(Words) so right from the day of Creation power was placed on words. That is why whenever some persons are saying negative words (declaration) about you, don't accept it instead reject it with God's word because the power behind God's word is strong than the power behind men's tongue. Hallelujah..

So let's take that responsibility to speak positive and use the power behind our words to bless and declare life into others and also to lift ourselves up from any obstacle around us.....when ever we feel down , don't say you are down or you will be down but instead say am lifted up higher above the sky, if there is darkness around you, don't see and confirm that darkness but yell "I am the light of the world" and I bet you that darkness is gone why because there is power in every word you speak. Amen
If you know this was a blessing to you.. please make use of the comment box and tell us how you were blessed. Thanks.


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