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Evangelize God's word part 1

Many Christians today are functioning understand this wrong mentality that the Evangelical ministry is like the other ministry where by God appoint some particular persons to function in that ministry, but that's not true and we are going to be checking from the Scriptures. Matthew 28:19 says "KJV:Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost". Now if you should read carefully, Jesus was not speaking to the disciples or the Apostles when he said that but to everyone that was present during his ascending to Heaven.

Now I want us to understand something,Mark 16:15 "KJV:And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.” now Jesus wasn't appointing this ministry to any of the disciples or the Apostles but instead to every Christian as a calling to teach the Gospel around the whole world. No wonder the book of John said "we are the light of the world" hallelujah!!

So as a Christian it is a responsibility to teach God's word everywhere you go...and bring back the lost souls to him. Evangelism is not for Prophets, Pastors, Apostles no it for everyone including your kids at home. Glory!!. Now apart from giving you the ministry of Evangelism, God has also given you that boldness through the Holyspirit to share this good news to high time we take our materials and do the work of the Father (Evangelism) as commanded by his son Jesus.

It will be an error in your Christian if you haven't won someone to if the person that talked to you about Jesus did reach you, how would've been saved? There are people out there who aren't born time for you and I to reach out to them the same way someone reached out to us. Now 2Timothy 4:1-2 said "I charge thee therefore before God, and the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall judge the quick and the dead at his appearing and his kingdom;
2: Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all long suffering and doctrine." Hallelujah!! If you read carefully, Apostle Paul urge the Christian to preach the gospel even during hard seasons because it is a ministry for us as Christians.

Benefits of Evangelism
1. It brings you more Closer to God's word.
2. It helps to return the lost. souls to God.
3. It builds you up spirituality i.
4. It helps to straighten the faith of the non Christian.
5. It gives you total happiness and joy when teaching.



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