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2020 A Year of Declarations

Many of us today are where we are today as the result of the words we have been saying all our lives. Every individual is responsible for the every statement he or she accept or decline. God made Man and during that process he placed power in the his tongue, so as to speak life or death. (Proverb 18:21) "Deaths and life are in the power of the tongue....." Hallelujah!! Now with this let's talk about our topic the power of Declaration.
Before discussing anything first ask yourself what is declaration? Declaration according to the English dictionary mean "an official announcement or statement" now bringing in the definition into our topic means: the power to declare an official announcement or statement. Now as a Christian, God's word(The Scriptures) is the official announcement or statement, so there is power when you say his word to if you are paying close attention to this message I said from the beginning that many of us are where we are today as a result of the words(Declaration)we have been saying right from birth. 

Now many at times we do past through difficult or servere challenges that make us think it all over for us, now the moment you start believing an saying (declaring) your failure you become a failure, the moment you start saying "I can't fight this anymore because I know for sure I can't win" that is when you can't win. Get this you haven't loss a battle even when you are still fighting with out numbered warriors, you only become a loser when you give up and surrender the battle. The statements (declarations)you  make in time of trials matters a lot because it either brings you from it or tie you even more to it.

But as Christians, the word of God ( The Scriptures) should be our declaration. It is fully installed with enough positive declarations to pick us out of that power of negativity holding us breaks chains, move mountains, destroy Strong hold, and invade any territory, it is a two edge sword sharped at both sides.

Now it time for us to take a stand and put a stop to these trials, challenges, circles and bad situation... how? Start declaring God's word... When it seems things are going down in your life, tell the devil that the Bible says "when they is a casting down I am lifted up" then you see the devil withdrawing..or are you financial sick, tell that circle the Bible says in Philippians 4:19 "For God will supply all my need through his riches an glory in Christ Jesus" bro! You see the devil withdrawing too because you are not just declaring a mere statement but God's statement... hallelujah!!! Or are you sick in your body and the doctors are telling you I not gonna be fine... don't cry, crying as a Christian is outdated, crying was for 2019 this is 2020 and it a Year of Declaration, so don't shut up instead say " for the Bible says no body in Zion can be sick so I can't be sick" Bru! Am telling you, you saying this instantly that sickness has raced out of your body because this time you are not crying or shouting for help instead you are declaring...
So as Christians let's not forget this privilege of Declaration an let's act on it. Hallelujah. 

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  1. Glory!!!!!!! My 2020 is gonna be a bomb because of this mesg..keep it going T.S.M ( The Supernatural Movement)

  2. God bless you....stay connected an don't stop declaring


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