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Your Insight on Gods word

"AMP:This Book of the Law shall not depart out of your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, that you may observe and do according to all that is written in it. For then you shall make your way prosperous, and then you shall deal wisely and have good success." Joshua 1:8 

Now talking about our insight as individual, we are saying where do we get it from. First what is 'Insight'?

Insight is the capacity to gain an accurate and deep understanding of someone or something. Now as Christian our insight should be from the word of God. In our first Bible reading Joshua was telling the Israelites to meditate on God's word day and night, but why? It because he want them to have a great insight (understanding) on God's word. Now further study and steady meditating gives you better (insight) understand of what you are studying about that was why he urge the Children of God to study God's word day and night.

Now a good example of an insight from God's word that was displayed was during the time of Jesus when he was tempted by the devil. Now Jesus has a strong insight on God's word that was why he was able to disgrace the devil by passing all his trials. What do insight for God's word do in the life of a Christian, it makes them ever ready for anything either temptation, trials, circles nor issues that may come there way why? Because they have been filled with enough wisdom from God's word. Now get this, the Devil and his agent are not afraid of the that man that pray in tongues, no! They aren't afraid of that man that fast and pray but who are they afraid of? A man that is Filled with God's word and not just been filled but have a deep understanding (insight) of God's word.

Your Insight on God's word will either determine if you will go far in life. Now many persons thinks that the Holyspirit flow through you because of the way you dress, behave, the friends you move with... But these aren't correct! The Holyspirit only flows in you with the amount of God's word that your spirit contains. Come to think of it, the Holyspirit is God's spirit and according to the scripture, God made us to understand that no amount or volume of his word will go back to him void. Now gets it God gave us his word so we can act on it! And we can't fully asset that opportunity of acting on Gods word if we don't have a deep understanding on what it is talking about, just like you were been given a max volume book to read and before thirty minutes the person that gave you the book wants you to explain the book to him or her, it is impossible! So it is with God's word when you don't have a deep insight on it, it becomes impossible to act with and I tell trust the devil, he will make sure you to distract you from meditating on it so that he can outrun you. 

Now even the Son of God, who came to die knew this better during his temptation by the devil and that's was why he prevailed about Satan. 

Effects of lacking Insights
1. Gives a free platform for the devil to operate.
2. Makes you unaware of your true identity in Christ.
3. Makes you live life as a normal person and not a Christian.
4. It gives the devil the privilege to use you as an Instrument.

Now what are the benefits of having a deep insight of God's word:
1. Makes you aware of your true identity.
2. Give you power and Dominion over Satan and his agents.
3. Makes you unbreakable, unshakable, indestructible.

Now brethren I will urge us, let's learn to give time in studying God's word, and not just read each Page then turn over no! Make sure you have a strong understand of what you have read and bet me, this is a threat to the devil so he will come in tricky ways by telling you to snap chat, watch videos on YouTube, Facebook or even sometimes tell you to read it later, but beloved, don't give in to that, prove to him that you are more than capable because he knows that any amount of Gods word that you know and have an insight on is like a genrade throw towards his direction.


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