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You are Christ Ambassador

Hallelujah!!! Many of us don't understand the fact that we are chosen! The Lord says he has made us his Ambassador to the world...Now checking from the English dictionary of the word ambassador, it means "an official who lives in a foreign country as the senior representative there of his or her country"...... Glory!!!!!! As an ambassador of Christ you are away from home and you are on Earth to represent the course and work of your country (Heaven) on this country (Earth)... wonder Apostle Paul said in 2corithians 5:20 ”:Now then we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God did beseech you by us: we pray you in Christ's stead, be ye reconciled to God"

So as ambassador of Christ it a responsiblity to represent him at all times and in every an ambassador, you are not allowed to provide for your self, you are not allowed to guide yourself but instead the government (YHWH) is to provide for you, and even to guide you, feed you, shelter you and do everything you need....Wow!!!! What an advantage it is to be Christ ambassador.

Characteristics of Christ Ambassador
• They don't appoint themselves but God does, that is to say you were chosen
• They don't support themselves but Christ does (Philippians 4:19)
• They work under the instructions from the scriptures
•They can everything for their purpose in bringing souls for Christ.
• They don't belong to a place there were sent to even when they were born there.
•They see negative things positively and speak from the boldness if Christ (Eph 6:20)
•They don't conform themselves to their location of mission.

Hallelujah! It high time we know our right as Christ's Ambassador and how to exercise our authority through him.... No wonder he said "I will be with you always" glory!!!! Let's learn to know that this Earth is not our Country (Home) as ambassador of is a place we have come to represent Christ and bring the lost back to him..Amen.


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  1. True words.... Original article. Its inspiring. Thank you for your time for writing this article.


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