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The life of a Supernatural Christian

Hallelujah....... Today we will be discussing on how a Christian lives and how the life of one should look like. Hallelujah. Now we will be giving our first reference from the scripture in the book of Mark 16:17 "KJV:And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues;" Glory!!. Now many Christians today are seeing their too ordinary (carnal) which is not right, I call it "down grading yourself" even Jesus saw how glorious and supernatural we are supposed to live, that was while he told the disciples " ... greater work shall ye do!" Hallelujah now before coming we talk about the above statement of Jesus, the scripture says that if the work of Jesus was to be put on this Earth, that it will not contain coming back to Jesus statement he said "greater work shall ye do!". Now do the maths, that means if Jesus walk upon the sea, you should be working on "Air", if Jesus raise the dead, your presence at the moor should raise any dead body you want, if Jesus healed the sick, then your presence at the hospital should heal all the sick persons because"greater work shall ye do!" Hallelujah.

As Christians your mindset should not be set on the saying of mere words (normal words) no! It an error, your mind should be set on Gods word(the Scriptures) because we don't work by sight but by faith as Christians. Your mouth should not be used for crying, screaming, yelling or complaining instead let it be used for declaring positive things to yourself, yes what you say from your mouth are Powerful (Check it out from our previous message "Words has Power" use the search button) You are supernatural! Get that you are Extra Ordinary!! Yes!!! That's who you are as a Christians.

Now how does a Christian Life look like:
A Christian is not just a follower of Jesus, they are "LILPSG" meaning
L: Life givers
I: Inspiration and impactation givers
L: Light bringers
P: Peace Maker
S: Supernatural workers
G: Game Changers(Spiritually) 
Those are some of the quality of a Christian's Life.

Hallelujah! As a Christian, you should be living the supernatural ( the life of God) whereby when ever people comes in contact with you there life always change positively, a stage whereby people received healing just by shaking hand's with you, the dead suddenly rise again just by putting them on your bed, people diseases are cured just because they put on your close....WOW? Yes! That's the level of the supernatural a Christian Life carries.
Now It time to straighten our Christianity and power it up to reach it full capacity because the Jesus said "greater work shall ye do" hallelujah!. So it time, let's begin to preach the gospel and do miracle like never before, yes! Like never before, that's why the Scriptures said in 1Corithians 2:9 "KJV:But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him". So it has been just for you to go and preach. And among others, you have been given immunity to every circles of life, and even the immunity to demons and problem because your life is now Jesus, no wonder he said in Mark 16:17 " KJV:And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues" Amen and  in him is peace and rest of mind hallelujah.

Glory!!! You are blessed in Jesus name. Please if this message was a blessing to you, don't forget to use the comment button and tell us how you were blessed. And not forget to follow, share and Subscribe. Stay blessed.


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