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He has done it Already

"According as his divine power hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness....." 2Peter 1:3.

Today this is where many Christians are missing it out, especially the new Christians (those that gave their life newly to Christ). Now what are we saying: Many Christians are filled with the mentality of always expecting God to come down from heaven and fight spiritual battles for them, or the idea that God will send down blessing from heaven unto them or their families but these assumption are not true..... "No he isn't gonna do anything" why? Because God has entered his rest, so God is chilling and resting in Heaven, he isn't gonna do anything!!!! Wow! Many of us reading are shocked and we are like why is Evangelist .O. Joshua saying these? It is because he has done what he ought to do or what you want him to do now, Long long ago..... Now from our opening verse, Peter said "he given us all things already!" So he is not gonna do anything, now check out what Hebrew 4:10 "KJV:For he that is entered into his rest, he also hath ceased from his own works, as God did from his.

I know we might be saying "when I pray I called the Name of God in my prayers and of a sudden, a mind blowing miracle happen, was that not done by God?" Yes! It was but God has done it long ago even before you were born, he didn't do it that moment. Now it like your phone alarm, it has been set to pop up an alarm then maybe ring in an alerting sound when the time of the alarm has come. Hallelujah now that's like that in the Spiritual, God has set this blessing, healing, miracles, mind blowing testimonies, and positive things you can mention but like your alarm that needs a particular time to pop up and display, so does these things pop up but note it does work by time unlike your alarm, it works with your faith, that is to say unless you pray with faith those blessings, miracles, breakthrough won't be release. Hallelujah so it takes a faith filled Christian to enjoy these things that God has placed. So God will not do anything today or the years to come why because he has gone to his rest. 
Now if you read further in 2Peter 1:4 he said "Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises: that by these ye might be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust." Hallelujah!! Now take note on some words, there he didn't say "whereby will be given unto us" no! But it said "whereby are given unto us" this means he has done it a long time ago.... He has given us these miracles, testimonies, breakthrough a long time ago. Hallelujah.
 So lets note this: he has already given you the power to walk out of that situation of yours, the power to be healed of that diseases you are been afflicted with has been given to you, but like I have explain earlier, praying and asking God to bless you or release healing upon you are not the right prayer points instead claim your healing, miracles and testimony in Christ Jesus because all things has been given unto you from the high places. God has made you in Greatness and full of wonders. Hallelujah and the more you give yourself more to God's word then you will know he isn't doing anything but resting because he has done what he is supposed to do now a long time ago. Hallelujah he has already done it, what you need now is to act on Gods word concerning your greatness in him and walk in your inheritance. He has went into his rest, declare his word and all those things he has done for you will be activated. Glory!!!!

Now if you know this new revelation was a blessing and a correction to you let's us know by using the comment button and if it seems unclear, I will be happy to enlighten you more. Don't forget to subscribe and share, God bless you.

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