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"Ye are gods"

"AMP:Little children, you are of God [you belong to Him] and have [already] defeated and overcome them [the agents of the antichrist], because He Who lives in you is greater (mightier) than he who is in the world." 1John 4:4.
Incredible! Yeah we are gods in Christ, and that is the undeniable fact about we Christians, Hallelujah!! Christ has made us so. Now in our opening scripture, it said "......and have [already] defeated and overcome them [the agents of the antichrist]" wow! Am happy to be a Christian, The Bible says we are gods and because of that we have overcome the plans of the devil and it! It great! Now let's talk: Many Christians are missing this part in their Christianity whereby they fail to acknowledge the position of a god that YHWH has made them to be and you see the devil taking advantage of their ignorance. Just imagine a Christian that God has made a god will be like " Am tired of living, I feel like drowning" No! That's not Good purpose for your life he said you are a god, and let me tell you, gods don't get tired of life; they rule, gods don't fail exams, gods don't get disqualified, gods don't work so hard to survive but people depend on them to survive..... Hallelujah!!! Things works for their favour, chains are broken for there sake, they have Super Authority but on the physical and the Supernatural (Spiritual) Glory!!!! No wonder Mark 16:17-18 says "KJV:And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; 18 KJV:They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover." Hallelujah!! Those are some quality of a god, a god can't be in an airplane and the plane will crash because the plane has been boarded by Angel. 
 Now this is what God has said about us, he said we are 'gods' Now before we take further, who is a god? This is Supernatural high ranking General in the spirit, now God is calling us his Supernatural Generals hallelujah........ Positive Things are happening at our presence and demon flee and tremble when they sight us coming from a far because we are not ordinary as a god but exra- ordinary, we are not normal but adnormal in the spirit. Glory!
This is one of the beautiful thing of been a god(God's supernatural General) he said he will assign his Angels to watch over you and Even, he said you won't dash your feet upon the stone(Psalm 91) Angels has been appointed to be your personal guide and they listen to your command and act accordingly to what you have said through God's word. Now I know some persons might say am a Christian but why isn't things working out for me? Here is your answer: Confirm God's word that you are a god(God's supernatural General) and have the mentality (Faith)of a god in Christ, that all!. Glory!!!!, Even Jesus said in John 10:34 "KJV:Jesus answered them, Is it not written in your law, I said, Ye are gods?"
Hallelujah now when we mean we are gods we are divine now listening no power or situation has power over, in Psalm 91 God said he has given his Angels charge over you wow! Meaning Angels have been appointed to you, you can say Angel I want breakfast and lo they will bring it why? because it an order from a god. You think it imposible? No it is not, gods don't doubt, because they are the impossible.
Now why did Jesus come, among others he came to tell us that we are gods that greater things are will to do (The Supernatural) no wonder Jesus said "greater things shall ye do" 
Now things look like it not working fine, give a positive name to that negative issue because gods don't work in negativity, gods are hundreds percent positive. Now when you wake up in the morning you should be like " gods don't die, gods get afraid, gods don't sick, I am supernatural!!!!"

Some of us the Angels that God has assign to you are ashamed of you, why? Because you are not acting as a god that you are and Angel want to work, they are looking for a command from you. gods don't get bullied, as a god you are lifted above every principalities and power. A god is like a rock that is indestructible.

Now let's start acknowledging our supernatural title as God General because that's is who he has made us to be, and he has given us all we need to Excel and progress in life as a god. So it will be an error for you not to a god(God's supernatural Glory) you are losing out.... Because gods don't die, they are been called, gods Don't live normal but they live highly spiritual.

Benefits of been a god:
1. You are not permitted to die with YHWH'S approval.
2. Can can't fail, cry, beg because gods don't beg it cry.
3. Their words are backup with authority and power.
4. They don't work hard to eat, there table is always flooded with food, wine and meat.
5. They don't get sick, or drink message to get well, they are prone to illness.
Hallelujah! Wonderful isn't? To know who God has called you to be, a "god" no wonder he says you are God's own purchase (1Peter 2:9).
So it now time we put things in order and note that we are gods and gods are supernatural and until some of us understand this, thing might now work right. I pray the Holyspirit tells you more about this revelation and show you how great you are in the realm if the spirit. Amen.
Praise be unto YHWH
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