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The Mystery of Anger Part 1

Be angry, and do not sin”: do not let the sun go down on your wrath," Ephesians 4:26

Anger is a blessing and not a curse, Living being will be doom if they have not anger. Anger is never a sin but anger is a modifier of your through nature! Anger doesn't cause you to sin but cause you to show your inner intention. Jesus went to the temple, the bible said in 'anger' he scattered the buying and selling. But still the bible never said Jesus sinned though he was deeply anger! Why? He has a pure intention.

Now what is Anger? Anger is not a curse or been destructive, now listen. Anger is a modifier or an unveiler of your true intent. Anger opens up a man to see what he is really made of! Show me a man that was anger and committed sin I will tell you a man that has sin lying in his heart. Anger is more like alcohol; they unveil what is in your heart. The reasons Cain killed Abel our of Anger backup by jealousy is because Jealousy and hatred was already in his heart! So anger only came to remove the coverage and show forth the Jealousy. If Cain had not hatred but love, as anger came killing Abel won't be the target but pleasing God why? Because anger motivated your truth intention. What is Motivation? It is a burning anger to desire something. Until there is anger in motivation it becomes weakness.

If you don't have anger you can never handle the Ministry of God. Even Jesus had anger. Now check when Jesus left the Earth, he didn't give the Ministry to John or Matthew but rather to Peter. Not because Peter was closed to Jesus, no! But because he had Anger! Check he was the only one that took knife in anger to fight the Soldiers
And Jesus didn't shout at him or curse him or remove him from the disciples but he told he "Keep the knife" kaii to do what? Until you have anger you can't be a Son of God for it takes anger to oppose the devil.
A meek Minister Can't Minister. Even Jesus said "be angry and sin not!". The Mystery of Anger.

Young ministers hear me, you can't handle Territory without anger! It takes anger for the prophet Elijah to be feared by Ahab. Until Elijah was angry he never cause Drought and until he became angry he wasn't been feared and wanted. A Man without Anger can not pray! Understand this the reason you can't last in prayer is because you have not anger, when there is anger that witch is dead, that power is history Because anger which is a revealer reveals your true power of the lord. Jesus said I came for peace but when I speak they are for war!" In that's statement Jesus was speaking in Anger. This is a mystery, you can't walk in the deliverance ministry without anger, most times your anointing has nothing to do in that's aspects, when it come to that segment, one thing is required not even Anointing but anger! Because only angry men are feared.

The reason God said I am the lion of the tribe of Judah is not because the lion is the King of the jungle, no in that's scripture God wasn't showing or telling about his royalty but rather his attributes and dominance. What is the first character of the lion? ANGER! AND THAT WHY HE IS ALWAYS ROARING. The showcase of power is Anger! Anger fuels power! 2Tim.1.7 - For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power...." You can't access real Spiritual power without anger.


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