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The Two Masters

Matt.6.24 - "No one can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and Money.

Many Believers has do grown with this mentality that it is either the God or the devil. Their assumption has brought the fact that the two contradicting Spiritual opponent is God and the devil which is very wrong. There was never a time in the bible God compared himself with the devil because God was the one who created him. So the devil is still considered a son of God. The book of Job gives us a perfect glance saying in Job.1.6 - "Now there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the LORD, and Satan came also among them." So Satan is still a principality under the authority of God. Now If not the devil who then is the other master that is an opposition to God?

Our opening scriptures gives us a very strong point, and I says "No one can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and Money" Matt 6:24. The second Master after God is Money.

Get this! That why it is impossible for man to chase after money and still keep chasing God.  It is either you go to work or you go to church! It is either you join a money platform or you join a gospel Platform!!! It is either you love your business or you love God.

Now get this God knew that it was impossible to chase money and chase him... Because you can't be netural, he then says in Phil 4:19 Phil.4.19 - But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus." The Apostles knew this mystery that's why they left their business and follow God because it takes grace to serve both. So it is not the devil that is the other Master No!! The devil has little or no thing to take from you trust me but not money! Won't you eat? Wont you buy sub? Won't you buy clothes even down to water! Without the devil you can get all this things but not without money.

 Jesus was speaking in the book of Matthew telling the disciples about the mystery of the two Masters, telling them to quit their earnest desire for money less they will lose God. Now you must understand that money is more powerful than the devil. The devil is tricky but money is evil and deceptive, if you read carefully, the devil wasn't able to break the disciple, he tried through Peter but he failed! But when money came; it mission was very successful through Judas Iscariot. Get this the devil has nothing to do with the betraying of Jesus, all he did was partner with the other Master  (Money) for Judas to Betray JESUS.

Now spiritually this is the legal agreement the devil made with The other Master just like he made with him during the time of Judas! " I will deceive and make Men to chase after you, I will make the things of the world more lovely to the eyes(that's why we have new cars, houses, shoe, bags, phones and cloths) amazing ones but it is only money that can buy them so the devil is " I will make them go after you so they can leave God and serve you so at the end you can give them to me in Hell" kaiiii no wonder God warned us through John in 1John.2.15 - Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world" God knew about the agreement so he warned us!!
Understand this, everything that God wants from you money collect it from you. God wants your time, money takes your time, God wants your service, Money keep you occupied; taking away your service, God want your participation in the Kingdom business, Money keeps you hustling keeping you from participating in Kingdom purpose. Many times you will abandon a church concert because there is a job that's clash with that time!!

Now this is the question Why aren't you suspicious? Why did that money decide to come when there is service why not yesterday wen you where free! Why is is that customer didn't Come not until you were closing to come to church? This has been the reason many believers have left God. Some the devil have trick them to turn God's work to Business, you invite a minister and the first thing he/she ask is "how much you wan pay me"  
1Tim.6.9 - But if it's only money these leaders are after, they'll self-destruct in no time, 1Tim.6.10 - Lust for money brings trouble and nothing but trouble. Going down that path, some lose their footing in the faith completely and live to regret it bitterly ever after.

Now get this trick and understand that God has all riches and everything belongs to him so he have more than enough to give you. Chase after God and money will chase after you.

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