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You are Gods D.S.S

"But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:19

Hallelujah... As a Christian you are poverty free for God has given and equip you with all blessing in all heavenly place just for your life to be better! He has given you an assured wealth and riches. Now if you check from our theme verse you will understand clearly, Apostle Paul was speaking and he said, "But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus." If you observe he did say "but my God might or would supply all your need" No he made use of 'shall' and that is to tell you that it is assured, it is a Must! And this is the good news it had been done (Scriptures) thats why he called you his D.S.S (Divine Supply System).

So delete that poverty mentality from your thinking and acknowledge who he has made you to be! For he says "But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people;..." 1Peter 2:9 that's what he has called you, a chosen generation, and the most striking part is that he said you are " .... a royal priesthood..." now get this; you will agree with me that you cant be royal and still be poor! Just as a king or a queen cant be poor so he has said that you are royalty! There is no way you can be poor! Because as he is so are we on earth, so because he is not poor you cant be poor instead he has made you his D.S.S (Divine Supply System) to the world, he has given you riches that even the world cant calculate. So get this, there is no possibility for you to become poor because poverty is not in your DNA do dont conform to any story or idealogy the world is giving you. The only way you can be poor is when you decide to be poor! Because he said he has made you his royal priesthood.. and he said as he is so are you! And because he is not poor there is no way you can be poor.

There is more to Jesus dying on the cross for us. You must understand the mystery behind the death of Jesus on the Cross; you have to understand that he didn't just write a cheque with his life for your sins and salvation only no! He also took your poverty, your financial issues and your era of brookness and in return he gave you Wealth unimaginable wealth in place of you poverty and he gave you eternal life in place of your sins, and above all he made you his D.S.S to the world  so know the fat that begging is not your financial status because he said in Psalm 82:6 "I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High." That's is who you are and hear the good news gods arent poor personalities but very powerful rich people.


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