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God is Just and Fair

Today in our society, many Christian and non Christian are saying "God is wicked" some will also say "God does not love me because if he does he would have deliver me from this situation" Now this is the big question, is it true? Of course it's not, but Christians are saying this because they lack Gods word and knowledge, no wonder the scripture says "my people suffer for the lack of knowledge"

Many will say "why can't God destroy the devil and set us all free from his wrath so we can all be justify and make Heaven”, but he can't do that because the Scripture said "...that any word that proceedth out of the mouth of thy Lord will not go back to him void" So God will not come down from heaven to help you fight that demon troubling you or send his Angels put money in your! That's why Jesus said in Mark 16:17 "And this signs shall follow them that believe, in my name they cast out devils......." Glory!!!!!!! Now this is the reason God will not fight that demon for you why because he has given you the power to shut them off your life. Mark 16:17 means the stopping and casting of the devil is a responsiblity for you as a Christian not for God....his responsibility is to empower you while yours is too declare in Jesus name thereby casting the devil......Amen

Now according to the word of God,the reason he can't destroy the devil now is because of what he said in Revelation 20:10 "And the devil that decieved them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone where the beast and false prophets are, and shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever" So that's why destroying the devil is what God will not do now but on the last day...

So let's charge up and tighten our belt because we are strength by God and stronger each day by his word, so let learn to put the devil in his place when ever he shows his ugly face 1John 4:4 " ...the greater one is active in you" Hallelujah!!!!!!

Now let's change our mentality of saying that "God should wipe out the devil" no instead pray for more grace and fire🔥 to cast the devil and his agent away....and let's learn to function through God's word because he act just and he is fair Amen.......

Lord Jesus you power is working active in me to take over ever situation as I work in accordance with your word, grace me with power and strength to cast out the devil. I am indeed a living testimony of your Greatness. Amen.


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